Manitoba Rett Syndrome Association

Together, we can raise awareness and support for a brighter future.

What is it Rett Syndrome?

Rett syndrome is a unique postnatal neurological disorder that is first recognized in infancy and seen almost exclusively in girls, but in very rare cases can be seen in boys.


Girls with Rett Syndrome face challenges like slowed head growth, loss of hand skills, and difficulty with speech. They often show repetitive hand movements and unique breathing patterns. Learning is affected, but they can understand simple instructions. Mobility issues may arise as they grow older, requiring assistance with walking and movement.


Rett Syndrome is a rare genetic or hereditary neurodevelopment disorder noted almost exclusively in girls, since the disorder is often fatal in boys.

It is caused by a mutation of the MeCP2 Gene located on the X chromosome. It affects one in every 10,000 female births.

More About
Rett Syndrome

Watch our videos to gain a better understanding of Rett Syndrome and what life looks like for those with it.

Thanks to the families of those affected by Rett syndrome for their endless support and commitment to this project.

Thanks to Acadia Pharmaceutical for their generous support for this project.

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